A Time Travel to the Future

If I am honest, I don´t to like talk about the future, because I prefer to live the present, living day by day. Even though sometimes I think about things that could happen, for example, what job I would like or what happen in a few years, sometimes the future scares a little.

As I don´t like to think about the future, I will talk about the day that I remember.

One of the many extraordinary days that I lived was the commemoration of this year's Women's Day (8M) in 2020. My and my friends went to the call in "Plaza Dignidad", when we arrived there were mary women, organized dances, songs, and artistic manifestations that left us stunned, I loved to realize how much talent there is in my city, and a large number of people went because of the call. Once the commemoration was over, the return to home was chaotic, there weren´t many buses, some subway stations were closed, I walked from "Santa Lucía" hillto "Cal y Canto", although it is not a long distance, I had to divert my original path, because many streets were blocked. When I got to "Cal y Canto", took a bus that left me near my home, I for walked about ten minutes, and finally I arrived  my home, I was exahusted, but it was a great day!
