My dream job

In the future I would like to work on a welfare pharmacy, this area takes place in a hospital, clinical office, among others. A pharmacist can do several duties in different areas inside it, such as oncology, parenteral nutrition, pharmacovigilance and controlled drugs. For example, in the area of controlled drugs the pharmacist is in charge of dispensing narcotics and psychotropic drugs. Also the central pharmacy is where the process of dispensing place takes, doses re-adjustment for hospitalize patients in different units. On the  health clinic area, you are in charge of dispensing drugs to outpatients. The salary in the welfare pharmacy is really good, also the pharmacist can discharge different duties throughout the years and the gained experience, to a point where you can become the pharmacy superior.
Currently I’m studying chemistry and pharmacy, when I started studying at the university, I dreamed of working in industries or private pharmacies, but after a few years and field trips that we had in our career, I realized that these areas didn’t motivate me as much as I expected and they even bored me. I like to be in laboratories but I don’t see myself working in this area forever. 
When I had my first professional practice I did it in welfare pharmacy and then I perceived that this is what I would like to work in the future.
Good bye!
