Hello, my name is María Paz, today I talk about
of my career. Currently study chemistry and pharmacy, the study program last
eleven semester, the fourth and eighth semester are very stressful, because the
number of course they have. In fourth semester, seven courses are taken with
the new curricular program, but with the old curricular program, eigth courses
are took. Before in fourth semester was given to the course of "Botánica
Farmacéutica", this course now merged with "Farmacognosia", and
the course was innovated "Botanica y Farmacognosia". I gave
"Botanica Farmaceutica" and "Farmacognosia" separate, this
year it was given for first time the course innovated, of wich I was assistant,
for this reason I have the perspective of the old course and innovated.
Personally, I think was not great idea innovate and to join the courses, in
both show important things wich makes for a heavy academic load. In eighth
semester there are seven courses, most require a lot of dedication and study.
Although personally I think some could be elective rather than obligatory.
There should be a restructuring of the curricular program takin in to
consideration opinion of the students. As for the infrasestrucutre is very low
specially place to have lunch, studiar considering the number of the students
on the faculty. The bibliotec not enough mainly in times of test. There are
many things that could be improved, taking into account the opinion of all
parties, especially the students, that we spend most of the day at the
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